Culture Healthline

Importance of Self-Care


People online will tell you to get Lush’s newest bath bomb, the shadow work journal off TikTok shop, go on a Target run, buy the newest candle at Bath and Body Works, or go on an Amazon shopping spree all in the name of self-care. 

I am not here to bash those things because everyone has something that works for them. I want to offer a different way of looking at self-care that does not require you to drop tons of $$$, and feel worse after doing it. Especially as students who are broke most of the time but also very stressed out, it can feel daunting to figure out a self-care routine that works for you but is also sustainable, and doesn’t break the bank. 

We want to offer our insight on the importance of self-care and why you should start prioritizing it as soon as possible.

As minorities, especially African Americans it’s becoming more important than ever to take care of yourself with all the woes of the world right now. From increased police brutality against black Americans to increased rates of black maternal mortality and food insecurity in low-income and marginalized groups consisting largely of minorities. 

Experiencing this personally or simply feeling the weight of it because of the impact it has on our community, it is our responsibility to give ourselves a little extra love and partake in self-care so we can give back to the community and make real change.

Why it’s important

  1. You Deserve it Regardless:
    Self-care is important for many reasons, ensuring that you are the best version of yourself for work, school, family, and friends etc.., but most importantly yourself can change your life tremendously.

    You deserve to be the best version of yourself for yourself and for yourself only. Yes, it is great that others can reap the benefits of you loving yourself and sharing that love with the world but it all starts with you.

  2. Life be life-ing
    Taking time out to prioritize what feeds your soul and makes you feel whole only enhances everything else around you. Life is challenging and sometimes things are unavoidable.

     This is why setting up the habit of self-care is so important because when times get tough you will have the safety net of habits that you set up for yourself.

  3. Medicine is hard
    Since we are a medical and lifestyle blog I have to add why it is especially important for people in the medical field to nourish themselves and continue to fill up their cup. Burnout is so common within the medical field, especially in the last couple of years preceding COVID-19. Healthcare workers are more overworked, underpaid, and tired than ever.

    This can cause internal conflict because people who enter this field for the most part love helping others and have dedicated their lives to it but when you are pushed to your limit it can be tough to continue.

    Even as students train to be in those positions one day, the road is tough and will test you every day. As stated earlier some things are out of our control like how many tests we have in a week, or how many lectures we have to get through in a day but we must equip ourselves with the tools necessary to handle these things the best way we can even when we feel like we don’t have much time.


What is Self-Care

In today’s society especially with the rise of TikTok and the internet, people will make you feel like self-care is only an aesthetic. As though self-care is only buying the newest skin care, or going to the $200 pilates class three times a week. This is a form of self-care that works for some people but it is very superficial and expensive.

  1. Goals
    Self-care does not have to cost money and if it does it can be done with very little. Let’s start out with things that cost no money.

     Taking time to figure out what is important to you in this life is the first step. I started this by writing out my goals for the next one, five, ten, and twenty years but you can write them out for the next day or week, it’s all about what is best for you.

  2. Boundaries
    After writing out my goals, I wrote out my boundaries such as things I stand for, and things I do not stand for. This can be things such as “I align myself with people who will only tell me the truth regardless of feelings involved” or “ I will not align myself with people who constantly talk about others”. These are very basic examples but can get the ball rolling and bring other ideas to your head.

  3. Morals/Values
    Lastly, I wrote out my morals and things that are a part of my core values such as “ I will always pour back into my community” or “I believe women should have complete autonomy over their bodies”.

    These things do not have to be written out immediately but I like to have them on paper or the notes app so I can look at them constantly and remind myself who I am, what I stand for, and what I want out of this life.

    All of the things listed above cost no money at all but they begin to give you a groundwork of who you are and allow you to make choices based on what you value and not what is trending on social media or what other people tell you, you should be.

    This process is always evolving and changing because you are always changing so checking in with yourself frequently will allow you to stay current on the person you are.

    Self-care should involve things that bring you energy and make you feel full so obviously it will be different for everyone. We will be doing a guide of different self-care ideas that truly add value to your life but for now, I will share a few of my favorites.

My Version of Self-Care 

My self-care routine as stated earlier cost little to no money because you know broke medical student vibes but added so much value to my life and also prevented me from burning out my first year.

I am an avid amateur cook, who in another life would probably be in the culinary or baking field so cooking a nourishing meal almost every day gave me literal energy but mental energy as well. During this time I would turn on a podcast, or YouTube and chop away. I made the experience very enjoyable and not just a task of feeding my body.

Working Out
I also love working out so pumping some iron two times a week and a nice run or online pilates video on the other kept me balanced more than I could imagine. Even when school was at its peak I would still make sure I got in at least two days a week and that kept me from going off the deep end.

Lastly, cleaning. Which I know sounds horrible to some people but hear me out. It is necessary for a stable mind. If your environment is cluttered your brain will be cluttered so this is why I made it a necessity in my self-care routine. Besides the fact that when I am cleaning it gives me a sort of peace and wholeness. Developing a love for cleaning takes time but is worth every minute.

Some honorable mentions are talking to loved ones and getting fresh air even if it’s five minutes.

Consumerism Based Self-Care

Although self-care looks different for everyone the forms of self-care pushed by media (traditional and social) can make it seem as those it is one-size-fits-all. That self-care has to be this extra lavish thing where you drop tons of money. 

Spending money on yourself is a form of self-care but when it becomes excessive and rooted in consumerism that’s when the lines get blurred. Also being financially savvy, and planning for your future is a form of self-care that can have longer-lasting effects than the newest body scrub. 

Having a meaningful conversation with a loved one or buying yourself the newest gadget on Amazon are all forms of self-care. The problem lies when one is done excessively and in turn, causes you more harm than good down the road. A reevaluation should be done to see if this is something you actually want or is it what you’ve been told you should want.


Understand that self-care comes in all shapes and sizes but it starts with you. How are you to know what fills your cup and gives you the energy to conquer the day if you don’t know who you are and what you like to begin with?

Self-care is more than a face mask it truly is a lifestyle that lasts your whole life. If you start early you can begin to master the things that bring you joy and help you weather storms as they come.